Mission - Build a Nation of Local Growers

As a country, the UK imports far too much that could, given the right conditions, be grown much, much closer to where they are needed. Imagine local people growing local produce in a controlled way, supplying local pubs and homes with a steady supply of the produce they need? Imagine a local grower being able to grow exotic plants for sale in local garden centres?

That is our mission. Plant Intelligence aims to provide people with the tools they need to create thriving and controlled growing environments. Furthermore, we want to achieve this by providing tools that are not expensive, low risk and can scale when demand grows.

Lastly, we want to make this as easy as possible for as many people across the country to be a part of this mission.  

You can start of simply learning how to keep something alive, then progress if you wish to propagating it in a controlled way, and even turning it into a scalable business.

PIant Intelligence (PI) is dedicated to making this a real possibility, thus providing the tools to build a nation of local growers.  

British Weather

Consult any farmer (or watch Clarkson’s Farm) and you will gain a better understanding of the difficulties of growing crops in the UK. It’s no wonder then, that we lean heavily on imports from regions blessed with unchanging climates and more understanding politics. While we may not possess dominion over the skies, we in the UK do wield the power to forge nurturing environments that remain steadfast.

Smart greenhouses and vertical farms might have already crossed your ears. These marvels, albeit requiring substantial initial investments and high running costs, prove that perpetual cultivation is possible. Their merits include reduced water consumption, curtailed pesticide use, and a massively increased yield per square meter. However, they are out of reach to the every-day person.

Growing the Unusual

The thought of growing the unusual got me excited. Not only could a solitary household cultivate its own harvest, demanding minimum know-how, but envision the ascent into becoming a local supplier of unusual goods to neighbourhoods, watering holes, and eateries. All could all become customers of an increasingly diverse and dynamic local supply chain. Then if all goes well these hyper-local suppliers could grow to serve entire towns, cities, and counties. It’s not just about edibles either; envision exotic flora, such as the elusive mango tree, gracing conservatories across the world – all grown wherever you are.

"I Have a Dream.."

Our dream is to nurture a nation of local growers, furnishing the land with lovely food and plants. All the while, cutting air miles and fostering self-sufficiency and pride in our produce —a grand endeavour that we hope spreads across our nation.